Source for: Mary Holland, BEF 15 Apr 1705 - BEF 29 Apr 1706
Burial source: S9Text: 29/4/1706 Mary Holland was buried.
Baptism source: S12Text: 15/4/1705 Mary daughter of Robert Holland Gent and Mary was baptised.
Source for: Mary Holland, BEF 3 Oct 1714 -
Baptism source: S12Text: 3/10/1714 Mary daughter of Robert Holland & Mary was baptised
Source for: Mary Holland, BEF 8 Apr 1740 - BEF 20 Dec 1766
Death source: S1
Text: Mary eldest daughter of Jeffrey Holland of Pennant, Eglwys Bach, and wife of the Rev Edward Edwards, 20 Dec 1766, age 26, leaving issue one son and two daughters, Also Edward Edwards, 6th April 1799, age 71, also their eldest dau Mary Holland Boulger relict of John Boulger of Chester, Gent, 5th Jan 1834, age 69, her husband died in 1789 age 39 was buried in the churchyard of St Martins in the city of Chester.Adjoining lies buried their next daughter second wife of John ChambersJ ones of Brynsteddfod, Esq, she died in 1806 age 41 leaving issue two daughters, Sahra Maria and Margaret Grace Jones”.
There is no mention of the name of the second daughter of Mary Holland Boulger, mother of Mary Grace Jones
Burial source: S1
Text: Mary eldest daughter of Jeffrey Holland of Pennant, Eglwys Bach, and wife of the Rev Edward Edwards, 20 Dec 1766, age 26, leaving issue one son and two daughters, Also Edward Edwards, 6th April 1799, age 71, also their eldest dau Mary Holland Boulger relict of John Boulger of Chester, Gent, 5th Jan 1834, age 69, her husband died in 1789 age 39 was buried in the churchyard of St Martins in the city of Chester.Adjoining lies buried their next daughter second wife of John ChambersJ ones of Brynsteddfod, Esq, she died in 1806 age 41 leaving issue two daughters, Sahra Maria and Margaret Grace Jones”.
There is no mention of the name of the second daughter of Mary Holland Boulger, mother of Mary Grace Jones
Baptism source: S12Text: 6/4/1740 Mary daughter of Jeffrey (Mr) & Mary was baptised.
Source for: Morgan Holland, - BEF 1516
Death source: S25
Source for: Owen Holland, - BEF 4 Apr 1634
Burial source: S9Text: 4/4/1634 Owen Holland buried
Burial source: S11
Text: M'd that upon Good Friday being the ivth day of Aprill 1634 Owen Holland (whose wife Jane was buried upon Shrove Sunday last past) was likewise buried. NB the Parish record of the burial appears to say 4th April 1634.
Will source: S17Page: Ref SA/1634/22W
Text: In the name of God, Amen, the eight daie of May anno domini 1632. I, Owen Holland, of Erethlyn, in the Countie of Denbigh, and within the Dioces of St Asaphe, gent., considering my great yeares, weaknes, feeblenes of bodie and infirmities, and that death is th’end and dissoluc[i]on of all flesh, and the houre thereof most uncertaine, Doe now, in the time of my perfect sence and sane memorie (for which I give God thank[es]), Renouncing all other former wills and Testaments, make this my last will and Testament in maner and forme following..............continues
Residence source: S10Page: The Hollands of Pennant
Text: The third son of Jeffrey and Jane, Owen Holland was living inEsgorebrill in 1609
General Source: S2Text: Owen shown as son of Jeffrey Holland & Jane Owen ( see HHE Pedigree)
Source for: Owen Holland, - BEF 15 Apr 1529
Death source: S18Page: HOLLAND family, of Berw , Anglesey
Text: He died before 15 April 1529 (Carreglwyd Deeds, i, 2023, 2211)