
Source for:   John Holland,    - ABT 1400         Index

Death source:    S24
Page:   P364

Text:   John Holland created Duke of Exeter 20th September 1397 was attainted and beheaded in 1400. His Arms were "Within a border azure, semme-de-is Or"

General Source:   S24
Page:   P364

Text:   John Holland created Duke of Exeter 20th September 1397 was attainted and beheaded in 1400. His Arms were "Within a border azure, semme-de-is Or"


Source for:   John Holland,    - BEF 22 Jan 1601         Index

Burial source:    S9
Page:   This record is from the Eglwysbach Church Wardens transcript of the first Parish Register

Text:   22/11/1601 John Wynne Holland was buried.

General Source:   S2

Text:   See Pedigree sketch


Source for:   John Holland,    -          Index

General Source:   S25
Page:   F:\A Family History\Legal Documents\Bonds\John Holland Thomas Salesbury 1516

Text:   May all men know, by these presents,
That we, Thomas Salesbury, son of Thomas Salesbury, knight, Robert Salesbury senior, John Salesbury burgess of the town of Conway, and William Gruffith senior, burgess of the same town,
Are held and firmly bounden unto John Holand, son and heir of Morgan Holand deceased,
In the sum of forty pounds of good and lawful money of England, to be paid to the same John Holand, or his certain attorney, heirs and executors, on the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel which will be in the one thousand five hundred and seventeenth year of our Lord next in the future after the date of these presents,
To which payment, indeed, well and faithfully to be made on the said feast, we bind ourselves jointly, and each of us by himself for the whole, and our heirs and executors, and those of each of us, firmly by these presents, marked with our seals,
Dated the fourth day of the month of June in the eighth year of the reign of the eighth King Henry after the conquest of England.

By me, Thomas Salusbery
By me, Jhon Salysberie
By me, William Gruffith

The condition of this obligation is thus,
That if the within-bound Thomas Salesbury, for his part, should perform all and singular the agreements specificied in certain indentures made between him, Thomas, on the one part, and the within-written John Holand on the other part, of which the date is the third day of the month of June in the eighth year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth,
That then the present obligation shall be of no force, otherwise let it stand in force and remain in virtue and effect.

General Source:   S2
Page:   XD101/23/43

Text:   Extract: I conceive that the above named John Holland was the second son of Morgan Holland of Pennant, Eglwysbach Seargeant Porter to King Henry the Seventh by Elizabeth daughter of Hugh Conway of Bryn Euryn.


Source for:   John Holland,   BEF 18 May 1652 - 1652         Index

Burial source:    S9

Text:   1652 (complete date not readable) John bastard son of Owen Holland & Jane vch John was buried (infant).

Baptism source:    S12

Text:   18/7/1652 John bastard son of Owen Holland & Jane vch John


Source for:   John Holland,    -          Index

Event source:    S26
Page:   Latin Document transcribed into English on local file.

Text:   May you know that we, by the authority and power committed to us by the same most dread Lord our father the King, have taken into our protection, by the grace of the aforesaid Lord our father the King,......Iev[a]n ap Robyn Holand......And we have pardoned them, in the name of the same Lord our father and King, of their liability to prosecution for breach of the peace which appertains to the same Lordour father and [King] ..........


Source for:   Jonet Holland,    -          Index

General Source:   S13

Text:   Shown as daughter of John & Elinor vch Ithel

General Source:   S16
Page:   Jonet Holland Compact Disc #6 Pin #190687

Text:   Shown as the daughter of John Holland and Angharad vch Dafydd.